Google metterà la pubblicità anche sui cellulari: non adwords, ma veri e propri banner, piccoli e leggeri (massimo 2 KB) in modo che si infilino nei display dei cellulari.

The mobile ads team is happy to announce the launch of mobile image ads. These look like standard image ads for desktop web pages but they are smaller to fit on mobile screens and they run on the mobile content network. Take a look at the mobile image ads example page to see samples. Also, watch the video below to see my interview with Sanjay Agarwal, a mobile ads engineer, and his demo. Note that all mobile image ads are keyword-targeted, are priced on a cost-per-click basis, and must link to a mobile web page. [dal blog ufficiale Google)

In questa pagina alcuni esempi di ‘mobile-banners’, qui l’approfondimento sui Mobile Image Ads.

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