C’è qualche azienda ICT che non stia riorganizzando, ovvero licenziando? Tra annunci già fatti e annunci in arrivo, il prossimo semestre si annuncia in salita 🙁

Telecom Italia ha un accordo per 5000 esuberi, 3 Italia per 450, BT Italia 200 posti, Olivetti tra Agliè e Arnad (entrambi nel nord ovest) 300 persone, ieri Motorola ha annunciato 400 tagli in Italia, oggi è il turno di Nokia [via]:

Nokia has today announced plans for changes in some parts of its organization. The planned organizational changes include the following:

– As a follow-up to Nokia’s reorganization in the beginning of 2008, Nokia plans further changes in its sales and marketing activities in the Markets unit. The changes aim to strengthen the customer interface, ensure that resources are well allocated to meet the business needs and de-layer the organization. Nokia estimates that approximately 450 employees, maximum 100 in Finland, in the Markets unit will be affected by the planned changes.
– At the same time Nokia Research Center (NRC), which is specialized in long-term research activities within Nokia, plans to sharpen its focus on fewer but stronger research areas. The planned reorganization is estimated to have an impact on approximately 130 NRC employees globally, of which a maximum of 100 are in Finland.
– In addition, Nokia plans to close its Turku site in Finland and relocate those activities predominantly to Salo (Finland). Nokia currently has 220 employees working in the Turku office and the aim is that the employees would continue in Nokia’s site at Salo or in the capital area in Finland.
– Nokia also plans some smaller workforce adjustments in global process operations. These adjustments are estimated to affect approximately 35 employees, of which almost all are in Finland.

Altre aziende, purtroppo, si aggiungeranno alla già corposa lista: su tutte, eBay che in settimana dovrebbe ufficializzare il raggruppamento delle attività europee tra Londra e Lugano, con forti tagli alle sedi locali tra cui l’Italia.