Skydeck è un programma – lanciato nel 2008 e finanziato da fondi di venture capital – che unisce cellulari e Internet, perchè permette di usare sul proprio computer il numero di cellulare. Tutte le chiamate e i messaggi ricevuti sul numero di cellulare appaiono su Skydeck.
Skydeck cerca ora di fare il salto: utilizzare i servizi costerà infatti 9,95 dollari/mese, con l’obiettivo di trasformare una start-up finanziata in una società in grado di reggersi finanziariamente sulle proprie gambe.
This morning we released a new version of our service that delivers against all these ideas and more. We’re calling the new Skydeck “your cell phone, online.” Now all of your calls, all of your text messages, all of your voicemails, and all of your contacts appear on in real time, and you can search, read, and reply to your messages from Skydeck as if it were your cell phone.
For those of you who were already using Skydeck, let me just point out the new features:
* All of your calls – including missed calls and voicemails, which never showed up in the original version of Skydeck.
* All of your text messages – including the content of your text messages.
* All of your voicemails – including the audio of your voicemails, plus a transcribed version that gets sent to you by text and by email, all stored on
* All of your contacts – sync your cell phone directly to Skydeck.
* In real time – not one day late.
* Search – including the content of your texts and the content of your voicemails.
* Reply – take advantage of your broadband connection, your headset, and your keyboard to place calls and send texts from Skydeck that appear to be coming from your cell phone.