You have a well know person complaining about a product. You are the CEO of one of the “rising stars” in the automotive space. You practice social listening. You reply quickly. You fix the issue even quicker.
Internet, marketing e vita digitale
You have a well know person complaining about a product. You are the CEO of one of the “rising stars” in the automotive space. You practice social listening. You reply quickly. You fix the issue even quicker.
Nulla da commentare, se non che mi piacerebbe conoscere il creativo che ha preso un sedere (sì, dai, avete capito, un culo…due chiappe… quelle cose lì insomma) e l’ha trasformato in un cuore. Poi ci ha fatto un banner per Geberit, nota azienda di ceramiche e sanitari. Anche il tuo sedere ama il water?
If you propose social media listening to customers, you should be the first to use it right? This week I’ve been in Milano for the IAB Forum, the “most authoritative event of the year on digital and interactive communication in Italy, attended by all industry players and promoted by IAB Italy – Interactive Advertising Bureau” […]
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