Sempre a proposito della crisi che sembra aver colpito i produttori asiatici: non sembra esserne immune BenQ.

La società taiwanese ha chiesto – secondo il Taipei Times che a sua volta cita il tedesco Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – ai propi manager di accettare un taglio di stipendio.

After announcing last month that it would cut 9 percent of staff, BenQ Mobile, headquartered in Munich, Germany, has asked upper level managers to accept one-third cuts in their salaries or quit, according to a German newspaper report. BenQ Mobile has 7,000 employees around the globe with 3,300 in Germany. This would translate into about 825 staff potentially being laid off. To turn the firm around, BenQ Mobile’s chief executive officer Clemens Joos plans to cut costs by 500 million euros (US$644 million) by the end of the year, the report said.

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