Chi lavora nella comunicazione e nel marketing non può non dare una lettura a questo documento: la ricerca annuale Best Global Brands che classifica i marchi a livello globale.

Le prime 5 posizioni sono americane: Coca Cola, Microsoft, IBM, General Electrics, Intel. Poi l’Europa (Nokia) e il Giappone (Toyota), e nuovamente Stati Uniti con qualche sporadica apparizione extra-US (al decimo Merceds, al 15° BMW e al 17° Louis Vuitton).

Per le tlc, oltre alla già citata Nokia, Samsung è al 20esimo posto con un valore del marchio – 16,7 miliardi di dollari – pari a circa la metà di quello della società finlandese (a sua volta con valore dimezzato rispetto a Coca Cola). Sony al 26esimo, Siemens 44esimo, Philips 48esimo, Motorola 69esimo.

L’Italia? Gucci è la prima delle aziende del Bel Paese, con un valore del marchio di 7,158 miliardi e la 46esima posizione. Poi il nulla fino alla 95esima piazza, dove troviamo Bulgari, seguita da Prada (96) e Armani (97). L’Italia, in percentuale, ha il 4% del valore mondiale dei marchi. Solo lusso però… niente auto, tecnologia, Web o settori differenti dalla moda.

Nokia’s 14% turnaround in the ranking this year befits its position as the world’s #1 maker of cell phones. But marketshare is not the only factor that can be attributed to Nokia’s brand success. Taking a page from some of its competitors, Nokia has focused on design and ergonomics as a key differentiator. Smart brand architecture has kept focus clear with company’s products divided between four divisions: mobile phones (wireless voice and data devices for personal and business usage), multimedia (home satellite systems, and mobile gaming devices), networks (wireless switching and transmission equipment used in carrier networks), and enterprise solutions (wireless systems for businesses). Nokia is not afraid to co-brand, seeking out important awareness and perception relationships with companies like Siemens. But they need to ensure the quality and benefits of these relationships considering one such coupling was scrapped with Sanyo Electric. Overall, the brand has definitely more cache with Nokia products and offerings being extremely distinctive to the discriminating consumer.

New products like RAZR and SLVR have resulted in Motorola’s brand value climbing 18% this year. It has spun off of its semiconductor unit while its remaining operations have focused in four business segments: connected home solutions; government and enterprise mobility solutions; mobile devices; and networks. Motorola is the #2 manufacturer of wireless handsets after global leader Nokia. The company also provides cellular transmission
base stations, amplifiers, and servers. It generates nearly 60% of sales through the manufacture and sales of wireless handsets and related products. A true originator, Motorola designed the clamshell handset and has set its hopes on its new innovative RAZR and
PEBL models to keep its place among the market leaders. It also has released SLVR, a new candy bar-type phone. Slick communication campaigns are helping to create buzz, generate trial, and grow loyalty.

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