L’uomo Firefox, ovvero Blake Ross, bacchetta Google:
Call me naive: I think you can make a lot of money, go public, even monopolize a market, and still retain a moral compass that points in the direction of Google’s stated top priority—users.

Tema del contendere i ‘tips’, i suggerimenti di Google che “casualmente” riguardavano sempre servizi di Google stessa.

The tips are different—and bad for users—because the services they recommend are not the best in their class. If Google wants to make it faster and easier for users to manage events, create a blog or share photos, it could do what it does when you search GOOG: link to the best services. To prevent Google from being the gatekeeper, the company could identify the services algorithmically.

La risposta è arrivata, in parte, dal blog di Matt Cutts, attualmente responsabile del team antispam. Convincente? Per ora Google ha rimosso i tips, la mia previsione è che li riattiverà presto con qualche modifica…

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