Poi oggi pomeriggio ho letto il sempre interessante Telco 2.0 e ho trovato un articolo sui nuovi modelli di business nel mondo delle telco.
E poi ho sempre in mente le parole di Stefano sul “cambio di sesso” degli operatori tlc.
Applying this Framework to Telecoms business models
For each of the 9 component parts of the business model framework we need to consider a set of telecoms-specific questions to help form a view of
a.) the markets we might wish tackle and
b.) the way we might tackle them. Here are examples of the questions, none of which are black or white:
* Capabilities: A key question revolves around network technology, eg. HSDPA or WiMAX?* Supply Chain: Open-source IT tools or NEP-centric telco solutions?
* Partners: Open Platform or Controlled ecosystem?
* Cost Model: Optimise costs (eg. more efficient call centres) or Eliminate costs (web service only)?
* Value Proposition: Traditional comms or Original/Differentiated (see our ‘Blue Ocean’ example here)
* Customer Relationships: Personal (eg. SK Telecom asking customers to submit new feature ideas) or Impersonal (eg. pre-pay).
* Customer Segments: Should we going macro or micro? Broad market appeal or Niche?
* Revenues: Upstream (eg. advertisers) or downstream (consumers/business)?
* Distribution Channels: Centralised or distributed?
In attesa del prossimo post di Telco 2.0, mi piace molto questo quote:
In the meantime, let’s end with a quote from Mr Christiansen again:
“Skate to where the money will be, not where it is now”