Segnalazione al volo (ma ci tornerò quanto prima): un gioco-storia costruita attorno al tema dei dati sensibili e/o personali memorizzati sul nostro telefono e un blog per conversare.
“How often have you gotten in trouble for pictures, videos, phone calls or text messages that have been sent or received on your phone?

The Nokia promotion features several characters like Anna and Jade, who all seem to have Facebook pages. Each character’s phone is ‘found’ or unlocked on the website at a predetermined time, and readers can snoop into the characters’ lives via their cell phones.” What does your phone say about you? Check out My Phone Knows Everything About Me
It’s a conversation

We wrote earlier a more extensive introduction to our site goals and philosophy. Basically, we’re here to cover stories from all around the Nokia neighbourhood – it’s about the people, products and services, thoughts, interests, business and beyond. It is about the stories you tell or comment on, or simply want to read.

Also, this is about conversation: We need to respect those who speak to us and about us. We need to listen carefully, without being defensive. We need to speak openly and honestly. We are a participant in the conversation, not the drivers.

The challenge of being open and honest
We are employees or writers paid by Nokia. Yet, we “don’t want to preach, toe the company line, or spit out some corporate monologue”. We need to strike the balance between being as open and honest as possible, while still understanding the business risks of such openness.

We’ll try our best to give you great stories from the Nokia neighborhood, without getting ourselves fired in the process. We hope that you’ll let us know what you think of these stories, and take the time to add to them through comments and, let us know your suggestions to make it better.

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