Ripensare alla metrica di misurazione del successo sui social media? L’iperinflazione dei follower lo impone.

My own company sees this dynamic happen within our clients’ social media channels, and we believe there is inherently more value in an honestly-acquired following over time. We’ve been concerned our clients won’t appreciate the smaller but more meaningful numbers and understand that —  because of inflation- – we can’t necessarily get to the “big numbers” today as easily as we could a few years ago (not that we’d even recommend quantity over quality). [via]

DO’s and DON’Ts

  • Do good work. Create a good product, have great customer service, etc.
  • Listen. What is being said about you is as important, if not more than, what you are saying about you.
  • Care. In social media channels where conversations are more intimate, people can really tell if you are paying lip service or paying attention.
  • Add value. What you bring to the conversations and communities better be relevant, thoughtful, and of real use to the community members (friends, fans, followers).
  • Be real. Authentic, transparent, honest — you know the drill, but are you doing it?
  • Don’t buy followers.
  • Don’t follow too many people at once hoping they’ll follow you back.
  • Don’t spam as a tactic for getting your message out there.
  • Don’t stress about the numbers of followers.
Un pensiero su “L’inflazione dei follower”
  1. Io ho aggiunto 200 persone, che pensavo di seguire e invece no… l’impennata contraria non c’è stata, non ancora almeno segno che chi voleva ascoltare le mie cagate già lo faceva agli altri non interessa 😛

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