La FCC avverte: la crescita del traffico dati in mobilità è esplosiva e il rischio che le frequenze non bastino è reale. Lo fa attraverso un documento, Mobile Broadband: the benefits of additional spectrum , che spiega come la crescita esponenziale del traffico richieda un ripensamento nell’allocazione delle risorse.

Our analysis suggests that the broadband spectrum deficit is likely to approach 300 MHz by 2014, that making available additional spectrum for mobile broadband would create value in excess of $100B in the next five years through avoidance of unnecessary costs. This estimate of value creation is narrow, as it does not account for the broader social value created through mobile broadband, which some economists estimate as multiples of the private value. Since making new spectrum available has historically taken between six and thirteen years, and since mobile data growth trends are expected to continue beyond the near‐term forecast in this paper, these results support the need for timely action to free spectrum for mobile broadband, consistent with the recommendations of the National Broadband Plan and the President’s directive.

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