Upgrade in vista per il sistema operativo Microsoft, in procinto di passare da Windows Phone 7 a 7.5 con le sguenti migliorie (annunciate in una conferenza stampa statunitense da poco):

  • Pinnable e-mail folders: Pin a folder to the start screen for quick access. This could be an email folder for a specific project, from a specific group or person (like your boss;), or an RSS feed you’ve set up in Outlook;
  • Conversation view in e-mail: E-mails in your inbox are organized by conversation, bringing replies to a thread into a consolidated view so it’s faster and easier to stay on top of the conversation.
  • Server search: Search your email server (e.g. Exchange Server) for older emails no longer stored on your phone, giving you ready access to all of your mail;
  • Lync: Lync Mobile for Windows Phone will provide business Instant Messaging and presence so you can stay connected to your colleagues while on the go. The Lync app will be a free download from Windows Phone Marketplace with access to Lync services that are enabled by your organization. (nella foto, gli screenshot)
  • Complex password: Additional corporate compliance capabilities with support for alphanumeric passwords
  • Information Rights Management: Support for protecting e-mails and Office documents
  • Support for Hidden SSID: With support for access to hidden corporate Wi-Fi networks, IT organization can stay on top of their game—providing access to information while meeting corporate requirements.
  • The ability to save and share Office documents through Office 365 and Windows Live SkyDrive, in addition to the compelling apps that are being created by developers (Microsoft annuncia 16mila applicazioni nel Windows Phone Marketplace entro la settimana).

Il 24 maggio a Milano una conferenza stampa per annunciare la major release: altre novità in vista?

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