Il co-founder di Google Brain, Andrew Ng, ha elencato 5 libri che “possono cambiarti la vita”. Credo poco ai miracoli, ma mi piace fare #adv 🙂

1)“Human Compatible” di Stuart Russell: A leading artificial intelligence researcher lays out a new approach to AI that will enable us to coexist successfully with increasingly intelligent machines.

2)“Life 3.0” di Max Tegmark: AI is the future – but what will that future look like? Will superhuman intelligence be our slave, or become our god?

3) “The Master Algorithm” di Pedro Domingos: Society is changing, one learning algorithm at a time, from search engines to online dating, personalized medicine to predicting the stock market. But learning algorithms are not just about Big Data – these algorithms take raw data and make it useful by creating more algorithms.

4) “Superintelligence” di Nick Bostrom: the human brain has some capabilities that the brains of other animals lack. It is to these distinctive capabilities that our species owes its dominant position. Other animals have stronger muscles or sharper claws, but we have cleverer brains.

5)“Zero To One” di Peter Thiel: the author tries to motivate the readers to take risks and set up a business with a unique technology or product. He gives his personal notes and real-life examples of successful people and companies that stand out in the crowd and the reasons for their success.

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